黑色洛城 成就翻译v

时间:2011/06/04 10:48:16 编辑:Ocean

柏油丛林 Asphalt Jungle 15G
以LAPD探员身份徒步追击并制伏逃跑中的嫌犯 Chase down and tackle a fleeing suspect on foot as an LAPD Detective.
驾驶终点站 Traffic Stop 15G
在同伴的协助下拦下嫌犯的车辆 Disable a suspect vehicle with help from your partner.
不用着急 Not So Hasty 15G
以LAPD探员身份对空鸣枪制止逃跑中的嫌犯 Stop a fleeing suspect with a warning shot as an LAPD Detective.
警界之星 Shamus To The Stars 80G
完成所有故事案件并取得五颗星 Complete all story cases with a five star rating.
黄铜徽章 The Brass 30G
达到最高阶级 Achieve maximum rank.
引人入胜 The Plot Thickens 15G
找到并解决一个谜题 Find and solve an inspection puzzle.
幸运男孩 Golden Boy 15G
以LAPD探员或调查员身份,找到一个案件的所有线索并解决它 Clear a case finding every clue as an LAPD Detective or Investigator.
真实讯息 The Straight Dope 15G
以LAPD探员或调查员身份,用证据来揭穿谎言 Use evidence to prove a lie as an LAPD Detective or Investigator.
头号档案 One For The File 15G
以LAPD探员或调查员身份,找寻并调查一个证据 Find and inspect a clue as an LAPD Detective or Investigator.
天使之城 The City Of The Angels 80G
100%完成整个游戏 Reach 100% Game Complete.
至高无上 The Up And Up 30G
完成一个案件并得到五星的评价 Complete a story case with a five star rating.
法律无所不及 The Long Arm Of The Law 30G
完成所有街头犯罪事件 Complete all street crime cases.
街角的警察 A Cop On Every Corner 15G
完成一件街头犯罪事件 Complete a single street crime case.
呼之即来 Johnny On The Spot 30G
负责20件街头犯罪事件 Respond to 20 street crime cases.
公共危险 Public Menace 30G
在一件案件中累积$47,000的罚款 Rack up $47,000 in penalties during a single story case.
麋鹿装饰 The Moose 15G
除了开始时,不使用任何伪装成功跟踪Candy Edwards Follow Candy Edwards without using cover or incognito, except when starting or picking up the tail.
星罗棋布 Star Map 15G
找到城市中所有地标 Discover all landmark locations around the city.
盘问高手 The Third Degree 30G
在一个故事事件中的每次对话正确衍伸每个问题 Correctly branch every question in every interview in a single story case.
直觉感应 The Hunch 30G
在一次对话中使用四次直觉点数,并正确衍伸每个问题 Use four intuition points in a single interview session, correctly branching each question.
开车上瘾者 Auto Fanatic 30G
驾驶城市中每辆汽车 Drive every vehicle in the city.
好莱坞 Hollywoodland 30G
找到并调查所有金胶卷 Find and inspect all gold film reels.
车辆收集癖 Auto Collector 15G
驾驶40辆不同汽车 Drive 40 different vehicles.
大权在握 Keep A Lid On 15G
以LAPD探员或调查员身份完成一次斗殴,并且没让帽子掉下来 Complete a brawl without losing your hat as an LAPD Detective or Investigator.
汽车迷 Auto Enthusiast 15G
驾驶5辆不同汽车 Drive 5 different vehicles.
停不下脚 Lead Foot 15G
以时速80哩驾驶超过10秒 Keep the needle above 80mph for more than ten seconds while driving.
里程碑 Miles On The Clock 15G
开超过194.7哩的路 Drive more than 194.7 miles.
无所不搜 Magpie 80G
找到并调查95%以上的证据 Find and inspect 95% of all clues.
暗影探员 The Shadow 15G
在一个事件中尾随一名嫌犯而不被发现 Tail a suspect without being spotted, in a single case.
枪枝好友 Roscoe And Friends 15G
用每种枪都杀掉至少一个坏蛋 Kill at least one bad guy with every gun.
送上西天 Wooden Overcoats 30G
以爆头解决30个坏蛋 Bring down a total of 30 bad guys with head shots.
死者为大 Dead Men Are Heavier 15G
射杀总共100个坏蛋 Shoot and kill a total of 100 bad guys.
柏油丛林 Asphalt Jungle 15G
以LAPD探员身份徒步追击并制伏逃跑中的嫌犯 Chase down and tackle a fleeing suspect on foot as an LAPD Detective.
驾驶终点站 Traffic Stop 15G
在同伴的协助下拦下嫌犯的车辆 Disable a suspect vehicle with help from your partner.
不用着急 Not So Hasty 15G
以LAPD探员身份对空鸣枪制止逃跑中的嫌犯 Stop a fleeing suspect with a warning shot as an LAPD Detective.
警界之星 Shamus To The Stars 80G
完成所有故事案件并取得五颗星 Complete all story cases with a five star rating.
黄铜徽章 The Brass 30G
达到最高阶级 Achieve maximum rank.
引人入胜 The Plot Thickens 15G
找到并解决一个谜题 Find and solve an inspection puzzle.
幸运男孩 Golden Boy 15G
以LAPD探员或调查员身份,找到一个案件的所有线索并解决它 Clear a case finding every clue as an LAPD Detective or Investigator.
真实讯息 The Straight Dope 15G
以LAPD探员或调查员身份,用证据来揭穿谎言 Use evidence to prove a lie as an LAPD Detective or Investigator.
头号档案 One For The File 15G
以LAPD探员或调查员身份,找寻并调查一个证据 Find and inspect a clue as an LAPD Detective or Investigator.
天使之城 The City Of The Angels 80G
100%完成整个游戏 Reach 100% Game Complete.
至高无上 The Up And Up 30G
完成一个案件并得到五星的评价 Complete a story case with a five star rating.
法律无所不及 The Long Arm Of The Law 30G
完成所有街头犯罪事件 Complete all street crime cases.
街角的警察 A Cop On Every Corner 15G
完成一件街头犯罪事件 Complete a single street crime case.
呼之即来 Johnny On The Spot 30G
负责20件街头犯罪事件 Respond to 20 street crime cases.
公共危险 Public Menace 30G
在一件案件中累积$47,000的罚款 Rack up $47,000 in penalties during a single story case.
麋鹿装饰 The Moose 15G
除了开始时,不使用任何伪装成功跟踪Candy Edwards Follow Candy Edwards without using cover or incognito, except when starting or picking up the tail.
星罗棋布 Star Map 15G
找到城市中所有地标 Discover all landmark locations around the city.
盘问高手 The Third Degree 30G
在一个故事事件中的每次对话正确衍伸每个问题 Correctly branch every question in every interview in a single story case.
直觉感应 The Hunch 30G
在一次对话中使用四次直觉点数,并正确衍伸每个问题 Use four intuition points in a single interview session, correctly branching each question.
开车上瘾者 Auto Fanatic 30G
驾驶城市中每辆汽车 Drive every vehicle in the city.
好莱坞 Hollywoodland 30G
找到并调查所有金胶卷 Find and inspect all gold film reels.
车辆收集癖 Auto Collector 15G
驾驶40辆不同汽车 Drive 40 different vehicles.
大权在握 Keep A Lid On 15G
以LAPD探员或调查员身份完成一次斗殴,并且没让帽子掉下来 Complete a brawl without losing your hat as an LAPD Detective or Investigator.
汽车迷 Auto Enthusiast 15G
驾驶5辆不同汽车 Drive 5 different vehicles.
停不下脚 Lead Foot 15G
以时速80哩驾驶超过10秒 Keep the needle above 80mph for more than ten seconds while driving.
里程碑 Miles On The Clock 15G
开超过194.7哩的路 Drive more than 194.7 miles.
无所不搜 Magpie 80G
找到并调查95%以上的证据 Find and inspect 95% of all clues.
暗影探员 The Shadow 15G
在一个事件中尾随一名嫌犯而不被发现 Tail a suspect without being spotted, in a single case.
枪枝好友 Roscoe And Friends 15G
用每种枪都杀掉至少一个坏蛋 Kill at least one bad guy with every gun.
送上西天 Wooden Overcoats 30G
以爆头解决30个坏蛋 Bring down a total of 30 bad guys with head shots.
死者为大 Dead Men Are Heavier 15G
射杀总共100个坏蛋 Shoot and kill a total of 100 bad guys.

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