No Man Left Behind
绝不抛弃同伴 |
Rescue Woods
营救伍兹 |
20G |
Gathering Storm
风暴集结 |
Investigate the jungle facility
调查丛林中的建筑设施 |
20G |
Shifting Sands
流沙 |
Gather intel on Raul Menendez from Mullah Rahmaan
从穆拉·拉赫曼口中获得劳尔·梅内德斯的情报 |
20G |
Driven by Rage
怒火攻心 |
Take down Menendez and his operation
拿下梅内德斯终结他的行动 |
20G |
湿透了 |
Gather information on Raul Menendez' suspected terrorist plot
收集关于劳尔·梅内德斯可能策划实行的恐怖袭击的情报 |
20G |
What Happens in Colossus...
在巨型漂浮之城里发生了什么... |
Find the Karma weapon
找到业力武器 |
20G |
False Profit
虚盈实亏 |
Capture Manuel Noriega and bring him to justice
捉拿马努埃尔·诺列加并绳之以法 |
20G |
Deep Cover
潜伏 |
Capture Menendez
捉拿梅内德斯 |
20G |
Sinking Star
沉没之星 |
Interrogate Menendez
拷问梅内德斯 |
20G |
Late for the Prom
舞会迟到了 |
Escort the president to the secure location in downtown LA.
护送总统至位于洛杉矶市区的安全地点 |
20G |
Death from Above
天降死神 |
Stop Menendez once and for all
彻底阻止梅内德斯 |
50G |
Old Fashioned
老派复古风 |
Complete "Pyrrhic Victory", "Old Wounds", "Time And Fate", and "Suffer With Me" in Veteran
完成老兵难度的“得不偿失”“旧伤”“时间与宿命”“一同受苦” |
50G |
未来主义者 |
Complete all future levels in veteran
完成老兵难度下的所有未来关卡 |
50G |
Giant Accomplishment
成就巨大 |
Complete all challenges in Black Ops II
完成黑色行动2所有的挑战 |
50G |
Mission Complete
任务完成 |
Complete all challenges in a level
完成一关中的所有挑战 |
10G |
Just Gettin' Started
这才开始 |
Complete 1 challenge in any level
完成任何一关中的一个挑战 |
10G |
Singapore Sling
新加坡吊臂 |
Successfully neutralize the SDC freighter at Keppel Terminal
成功摧毁在吉宝港的SDC的货船 |
15G |
Desert Storm
沙漠风暴 |
Successfully escort the VIPs to safety
成功护送重要人员至安全点 |
15G |
英勇卫士 |
Successfully defend FOB Spectre from incursion
成功抵御FOB幽灵部队的入侵 |
15G |
Black Ops II Master
黑色行动2 大师 |
Complete the campaign on Hardened or Veteran difficulty
以老兵或困难难度完成战役 |
15G |
Art of War
孙子兵法 |
Successfully assassinate SDC Chairman Tian Zhao
成功暗杀SDC首领赵天 |
25G |
Blind Date
相亲 |
Successfully rescue HVI
成功营救重要人质 |
15G |
Family Reunion
家庭团聚 |
There are two futures
由此可造成两种未来(打某人腿你懂的) |
10G |
Hey Good Looking
嘿美女 |
Plastic surgery avoided
避免整形手术 |
10G |
对决 |
A duel between rivals
宿敌间的对决 |
15G |
Dirty Business
肮脏交易 |
Listen and think before you shoot
三思而后射 |
15G |
Ship Shape
井井有条 |
Reinforcements on the way
增援部队马上赶到 |
10G |
Dead or Alive
是死是活 |
Jailor or executioner
是做个狱卒还是做个刽子手 |
15G |
Ultimate Sacrifice
终极牺牲 |
Only one can survive
只能活一个 |
15G |
Good Karma
善有善报 |
Crack the celerium worm
破解C病毒(噗...) |
20G |
High IQ
高智商 |
Collect all intel
收集所有情报 |
20G |
Back in Time
玩穿越 |
Use a future weapon in the past
在过去战役中使用一把未来武器 |
10G |
Man of the People
人民代表 |
Stop the brutality inflicted by the PDF
阻止PDF的暴行 |
15G |
Gun Nut
枪械发烧友 |
Complete a level with customized loadout
以自定义装配的武器完成一关 |
10G |
Ten K
壹万 |
Minimum score 10k in every mission
每一关最少拿壹万分 |
15G |
Welcome to the Club
欢迎入伙 |
Reach Sergeant (Level 10) in multiplayer Public Match
在公开的多人模式中达到10级 |
10G |
Welcome to the Penthouse
欢迎来到名人堂 |
Prestige once in multiplayer Public Match
于公开的多人模式中转生一次,威望一生 |
50G |
Big Leagues
大联盟 |
Win 5 multiplayer League Play games after being placed in a division
赢得5场大联盟比赛 |
20G |
Trained Up
训练完毕 |
Win 10 multiplayer games while playing in Combat Training playlists
战斗训练模式下获得10场胜利 |
10G |
Party Animal
派对控 |
Win 10 multiplayer games while playing in Party Games playlists
派对游戏模式中赢得10场胜利 |
10G |
Tower of Babble
叽歪塔 |
In TranZit, obey the voices
在TranZit模式里,遵循声音的指示 |
75G |
Don't Fire Until You See
看见之前,不要着火 |
In TranZit, have all doors opened without being set on fire
在TranZit模式里,开启所有门且不能被火烧着 |
30G |
The Lights Of Their Eyes
它们的目光 |
In Green Run, pacify at least 10 zombies with 1 EMP
在Green Run地图里,用一颗EMP消灭10个丧尸 |
5G |
Undead Man's Party Bus
不死男的派对巴士 |
In TranZit, complete all additions to the bus in 1 game
在TranZit模式里,一场游戏中完成巴士所有的添加物品 |
15G |
Dance On My Grave
在我坟上跳个舞 |
In Green Run, acquire your Tombstone
在Green Run地图里,获得所有墓碑 |
5G |
Standard Equipment May Vary
标准装备可变化 |
In TranZit, acquire 4 different equippable items in 1 game
在TranZit模式里,一场游戏中取得4种不同的可装备道具 |
25G |
You Have No Power Over Me
你的电力盖不过我 |
You Have No Power Over Me
你的电力盖不过我 |
15G |
I Don't Think They Exist
我不认为它们是存在的 |
In TranZit, kill one of the denizens of the forest while it is latched onto you
在TranZit模式里,杀死一个骑在你头上的森灵怪客 |
10G |
Fuel Efficient
节能出行 |
In TranZit, use an alternative mode of transportation
在TranZit模式里,搭乘另外一种形式的交通工具 |
10G |
Happy Hour
欢乐时光 |
In TranZit, buy 2 different perks before turning on the power
在TranZit模式里,在开电闸前买2个不同的技能 |
10G |