还在为找不到人而发愁吗?给家人打电话没人接,发消息也不回。或者是出去游玩是不小心走散了,找不到朋友在哪。现在这些统统都不要担心,Find Family and Friends帮你解决这些烦恼。通过Find Family and Friends这款软件,你可以将家人和朋友的位置进行定位,以便能随时找到他们在哪里,这样既能保证他们的安全,还能方便自己快速的找到他们。使用Find Family and Friends,给安全加道锁。
– view the exact location of your friends or family members on the map
– get timely notifications when they arrive at a certain place or leave it
– create different circles for your friends and family
– invite as many people as you want to your circles
– keep track of the battery level of your friends and relatives, and get notified when they're low on battery charge
– track down a phone in case it was lost or stolen
GeoCircle will become an indispensable tool for anyone who wants to stay closer to friends or ensure their family members' safety.
Please note that continuous use of location services in the background can drastically decrease battery life.