天气的不同决定着人每日的作息出行规律,想要保证做好的计划可以完美的实施下去,预先了解第二天的情况是必要的,今天小编就为大家推荐一款精确度高,使用简单快捷的手机天气预报软件——《天气表 Pro》,软件除了每日正常播报第二天的天气情况和一周的可能的天气变化外,还提供了每日的气温横向变化,让用户及时添加衣物,预防感冒。大家快来下载吧!
Provide Weather & Air Quality information
Compare temperature today and yesterday, today and tmrw!
- Provide real-time weather information and day weather information
- Helps you prepare your day by comparing the temperatures of yesterday and today
- Intuitively check the background color according to the state of air pollution
- Provide a weather forecast for the next week
- Support °C, °F
- Support location search