In the distant future, the world is a dangerous place where the balance of power rests between opposing forces. Warring Factions push and pull the citizens of the Community to join their side to vanquish the opposition.
Master of Wills® is a competitive card game that pits two Factions against each other in a tug-o-war style battle. Players build their Faction deck to manipulate and influence characters from sectors within the Community to join their side. By expanding control over the Community, power can be acquired. Choose a side and become the Master of Wills®.
- Player vs Player Competitive Card Play
- AI vs Player Card Play
- Custom Deck Creation
- Card Collecting
- Leaderboards and Seasons
- Statistic Tracking and Achievements
- Full in-game Chat capabilities with your Friends
- Rank system for skill matching
- Incredible Animations and Art
- 4 Factions, each with unique play styles
- Hundreds of cards to collect and choose to battle with
- Story and Lore for every card