cheat pause [1|0] - pause game
cheat sandbox - sets all players to human and the map to reveal all
cheat ai [on|off|debug]
cheat safe - safe creates lots of machine guns around every human capital
cheat diff [?:0-5] - sets difficulty
cheat achieve - Display Achievements
cheat ally (ally[who]) - force alliance with nation
cheat peace (peace[who]) - force peace with nation
cheat war (war[who]) - force war with nation
cheat meet (meet[who]) - force encounter with nation
cheat unmeet (unmeet[who]) - force encounter-off with nation
cheat human (human[who]) - turn off computer control
cheat computer (computer[who]) - turn on computer control
cheat defeat (defeat[who]) - defeat nation
cheat victory (victory[who]) - victory for nation
cheat tech (tech[who][tech|all][(on|off)]) - show or change technology
cheat resource (resource[who][goodtype|all][+|-][amount])
cheat age (age[age][who]) - show or change age for nation
cheat military (military[level][who]) - show or change military level for nation
cheat civic (civic[level][who]) - show or change civic level for nation
cheat commerce (commerce[level][who]) - show or change commerce level for nation
cheat science (science[level][who]) - show or change science level for nation
cheat library (library[level][who]) - show or change all library tech levels for nation
cheat bbox (1|0) - Toggle bounding box mode
cheat ranges (1|0) - show combat ranges
cheat die (die[o[,who]|select]) - kill object or all selected
cheat damage (damage(o[,who]|select)[+|-]damage ) - adjust damage to object or all selected
cheat insert (insert[#]typename[who=RED][x,y]) - insert unit or building at mouse loc
cheat add (add[#]typename[who=RED][x,y]) - insert unit or building at mouse loc
cheat finish (finish) - Finishes selected building(s) or next item in queue
cheat bird - Drop a Wild Bird at Mouse
cheat nuke - Drop a Nuke at mouse position
cheat pack - Packs the currently selected unit(s), if they are packing units
cheat deploy - Deploys the currently selected unit(s), if they are deploying units
cheat reveal (reveal[1|0]) - toggle reveal map
cheat explore (explore[normal|explored|all]) - change game explore config
上一个: 第二次世界大战诺曼底登陆秘籍
下一个: 三国群英传4小秘籍
《五金圣剑模拟器》上线Steam 发售日期待定
《女鬼桥二 释魂路》10月登陆主机