动物标本 IDs:
B2456 (Dragon Head) 龙头(可置于墙上)
DD9E0 (Elk Male) 麋鹿
CF264 (Snowy Elk) 雪白的麋鹿
3fA65 (Elk Antlers) 麋鹿鹿角
DD9E1 (Elk Female) 雌性麋鹿
D928F, d928d (Sabre Cat) 剑齿虎
D9289, d9288 (Wolf) 狼
D9287 (Skeever) 老鼠
D9285 (Mudcrab) 螃蟹
D8282, d9281, d927f (Bear) 熊
D927D (Horker) 海象?
D9276 (Goat) 山羊
3858F (Slaughter Fish) 鱼
00044E6A Jeweled Candlestick (golden candlestick with pretty gem incrustations)
000AA03E Silver Candlestick (small and thin silver candlestick)
000E42DF Candlestick (default single candlestick)
000E42E0 Candlestick (default)
000E42E1 Candlestick (smaller default single candlestick)
000905E3 Jeweled Candlestick (golden candlestick same as first one, spawns as furniture (static) )
10E05E - 标箱
F8476 - 地下城的大箱子
C4493 - 青铜箱子
B1176 - Large Dwemer stone chest. The one that is rectangular and has a cool animation when you open it.
305A1 - Falmer chest
1D13C - Fancy wooden one from Solitude
椅子: (coldarra提供)
0001EDF7 Chair (dwarven)
0001EE09 Chair (same dwarven chair, without upper back part. I use this one as small table instead for pots and stuff)
0006E7B3 Chair (a stone chair like the ones in the temple of the gray beards)
王座: (coldarra提供)
000267D3 Ladies and gentlemen, I present you the infamous "Werechair".
0007FBC2 This is the throne outside the temple of the divines in Solitude.
000985C2 I haven't seen this one in game yet, but I assure you this thing is HUGE and made of GOLD with a statue of a small dragon (or bird, but i think it's a dragon) sitting on top.
0010F636 Throne at the Palace of Kings in Wildhelm. It's massive. 风盔城的王座
墙 :
5B381 WallSol
5DA23 WallSol03
5D92F WallSol02
5b382 WinSol01 (wall with WINDOW !)
楼梯 :
5F5B9 Steps
天花板 (Arched)
5b380 : archCon01 (normal arch)
5d7b4 : traCon02 (normal arch filler)
6e95d : archCon03 (CORNER ARCH !)
6e95c : archCap01 (corner arch center filler)
6e95b : archCon02 (corner arch side filler)
下一个: 《木叶曙光》2.7龙年行运版隐藏英雄密码
《黎明杀机》开发商推出衍生游戏《What the Fog》
《寂静之地:入侵日》 6月28日北美上映