
时间:2015/06/10 10:27:13 编辑:Ocean


setcheatplayer true: 启用作弊菜单

setcheatplayer false: 禁用作弊菜单

cheat AllowPlayerToJoinNoCheck: 添加玩家到白名单

cheat DisallowPlayerToJoinNoCheck: 玩家移出白名单

cheat broadcast: 全服广播

cheat SetMessageOfTheDay: 设置玩家登录时的通告

cheat God: 开启上帝模式.注意.还是会淹死

cheat Fly: 你可以飞了I BELIEVE I CAN FLY~

cheat Walk: 停用飞行.鸟人变凡人

cheat Teleport: 向面朝方向传送一段距离

cheat slomo 5: 改变玩家的移动速度,使用 slomo 1 变回正常速度

cheat playersonly: 冻结所有玩家以外的位置和动作

cheat Ghost: 幽灵模式.穿墙balabala~~

cheat forcetame: 立即驯服.无需鞍直接可以骑

cheat addexperience 1000 0 0: 立即获得经验1000.1000可变

cheat giveresources: 获得所有资源50

cheat infinitestats: 无限状态.饥饿子弹耐力等等

banplayer: BAN掉玩家

unbanplayer: 解除对玩家的BAN

cheat damagetarget: 对瞄准的目标立即造成xxxx伤害

cheat destroyallenemies: 杀死所有敌对目标.他们会重生

giveengrams: 解锁所有配方 *功能BUG..不能全部解锁*

cheat hurtme: 对自己造成XX伤害

togglegun: 切换是否显示武器工具或者手

cheat settimeofday: 改变时间例如 12:00

cheat setplayerpos 0 0 0: 按坐标传送

cheat saveworld: 保存现在的世界状态

cheat quit: 退出现在的世界,保存后重启使用

cheat execsetsleeping true/false: 使你的角色陷入睡眠/唤醒你的角色

cheat enemyinvisible true/false: 使所有生物忽视你.即便你在攻击它

cheat destroyall: 按种类名字攻击生物, 例如恐龙.物品列表.或者建筑类名称

cheat summon: 在当前位置按类名召唤恐龙.

cheat giveitemnum: 按ID给装备.ID可查,例如: admincheat giveitemnum 1 1 1 false 给你一个手枪 admincheat giveitemnum 1 1 100 false 给你一个古式简易手枪

stat fps: 显示你的FPS和延迟.任何人可用



Multiplayer Admin Commandssetcheatplayer true: Enables a cheat menu

setcheatplayer false: Disables the cheat menu

cheat AllowPlayerToJoinNoCheck: Whitelists the person

cheat DisallowPlayerToJoinNoCheck: Removes their whitelist

cheat broadcast: Will allow you to broadcast a message to everyone on the server

cheat SetMessageOfTheDay: sets a message that pops up when people enter

cheat God: Enables god mode, you are unkillable except be careful, you can still drown.

cheat Fly: You are able to fly.

cheat Walk: Deactives flying and allows you to walk again.

cheat Teleport: You are teleported in the way that you are facing.

cheat slomo 5: Changes the speed on the server such as player movement, use slomo 1 to revert to normal speed.

cheat playersonly: Freezes all dinosaurs at their current location and freezes crafting.

cheat Ghost: noclip, ability to walk through walls/objects.

cheat forcetame: instantly tames a dinosaur, can ride without saddle too.

cheat addexperience 1000 0 0: gives you 1000 xp, you can change the value of 1000

cheat giveresources: gives you 50 of all resource

cheat infinitestats: Gives you infinite hunger, stamina, infinite ammo etc.

banplayer: Bans the user from the server

unbanplayer: Unbans the user from the server

cheat damagetarget: Deals damage to the creature you are aiming at.

cheat destroyallenemies: Destroys all enemies, they respawn eventually

giveengrams: Unlocks all crafting recipes for your character *Bugged, you can't craft these recipes*

cheat hurtme: Deals x amount of damage to yourself

togglegun: toggles the visiblity of your currently equipped weapon/tool or the hands

cheat settimeofday: Changes the time of day, for example settimeofday 12:00

cheat setplayerpos 0 0 0: allows you to teleport to coords coord map[xose.net]

cheat saveworld: saves the current worldstate

cheat quit: exits the current world, use after saving for a safe shutdown

cheat execsetsleeping true/false: puts yor character to sleep/wakes them up

cheat enemyinvisible true/false: makes all creatures ignore you even if you attack them

cheat destroyall: destroys all objects/dinosaurs of a classname, refer to the dinosaur or item lists for specific classnames, also works with structures WIP list

cheat summon: Summons a dinosaur at your location. A list of all dinosaurs can be found here[http://www.dropbox.com]

cheat giveitemnum: Gives you an item, the list of items with their ID's can be found Here [http://www.dropbox.com] example admincheat giveitemnum 1 1 1 false gives you a simple pistol and admincheat giveitemnum 1 1 100 false gives you an ascendant simple pistol

stat fps: Shows your fps and latency, usable by anyone.

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