
时间:2013/03/21 15:12:00 编辑:Ocean





Safe  Location and Description



The safe in the sewers past the  spot where Corvo gets his gear back.


High Overseer Campbell

The safe in Dr. Galvani's  residence (Dr. Galvani's map)


High Overseer Campbell

The locked kennel door in the  Overseer's base (Kennel map)


High Overseer Campbell

Barracks safe in the Overseer's  base (Backyard map)







House of Pleasure

The safe in the artist's  residence (Artist's Residence map) uses a different combination each time you  play.


The Royal Physician

Practchett's safe in his house.  (Drawbridge Way map).


The Royal Physician

The safe behind the painting in  the wrecked building where the prisoner pen is outside the Sokolov estate  (North End map).


Return to the Tower

Lord Regent Hiram Burrows' safe  in his private quarters. (Dunwall Tower map).


Flooded District

The Old Port District's sewer  safe; it's the one with the bone charm (Old District Sewers map).





Location Described

Lens  Magnification

High  Overseer Campbell

House of Pleasure

Purchase  this blueprint from Griff, the merchant being held by two Bottle Street  gangsters down the stree past Granny Rags' place. P.S. Bring money (200 Coins).

Sokolov's  Formula

High  Overseer Campbell

House of Pleasure

Purchase  this blueprint from Griff, the merchant being held by two Bottle Street  gangsters down the street past Granny Rags' place. P.S. Bring money (200  Coins). When kidnapping Anton Sokolov midway through the game, a copy of this  blueprint is available in his lab.

Bonded  Galvani Weave

High  Overseer Campbell

Go to  the "Backyard" map where Corvo makes his escape. There is an  Overseer workshop with a locked cabinet (a valve-wheel sits on top of this  locked cabinet). The Workshop Cabinet Key is hidden in a glass bottle on a  shelf in the workshop's corner. If you locate the anti-magic music machine,  put the music machine behind you, the wall to your left, and the workbench  with the rune to your right/rear. The shelf with the bottle and workshop  cabinet key is in the corner directly ahead of you.

Incandescent  Paste

House  of Pleasure

Locate  the Dunwall Whiskey Brewery (the Distillery) and locate a valve wheel that  operates a fast closing shutter. The blueprints are just past that shutter;  you can use the increased jump height of Agilty and Blink to bypass the  shutter, or simply sprint and slide under the shutter before it closes shut.  The blueprint is inside one of the lockers past the shutter.

Folded  Galvani Resin

The  Royal Physician

On the  South Side map (where you start out), there is a warehouse with a minecart in  the second story. The workstation next to the minecart has this schematic in  plain sight.

Spiked  Grenade Housing

Lady  Boyle's Last Party

The  main gatehouse of the Boyle Estate has this blueprint inside; you can use the  Boyel Party Invitation to gain access to the grounds (the guard you speak to  is in the room with the plans), or you can sneak through the Weeper tenement  and enter the grounds that way (you can still get to the gatehouse; it's past  where Lord Shaw duels Corvo).

Small  Scale Combustion Refinement

Return  to the Tower

In  General Tobias' office. If you turned off HUD notifications, Tobias' office  is one of the rooms next to the Wall of Light near the Lord Regent's private  quarters (the one with the safe). The plans are on Tobias' desk.

Duplicate  Plans

Flooded  District

Some  plans (not all plans) that you may have missed earlier may appear in Daud's  headquarters.

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