每当你抬头仰望那一片浩瀚的天空时,你有没有想过去太空中遨游,见识各种神秘的、有趣的天体现象。现在的科技技术可能无法带你去实现这一愿望,但是我们不妨展开想象的翅膀去幻想那边神秘,《Von In Space》游戏是人们对宇宙的憧憬应运而生的APP,Von将代替你在虚拟的星空中自由的探索发现,游戏操作简单,画面朴实而又浩瀚神秘,喜欢的朋友不妨来牛游戏网看看!
Take a spacewalk as ‘VON’ the curious CosmoBot and float amongst the dazzling celestial wonders of the universe as you travel through the rainbow portals of time and hyperspace to an extraterrestrial symphony of sound and brilliant color.
‘VON’ immerses players in a classically styled 8-bit, true to scale universe. Players drift past planets and their moons while also encountering comets, asteroids and Planetary Patrolmen who are looking to knock travelers off their course.
‘VON’ allows users to relax while peacefully floating through the solar system, or competitive players have the opportunity to develop their own strategy and compete for the highest score before VON reaches the end of his journey.
Removed Screenshot, Two Keywords Altered, Jupiters Moons spaced out, Saturns rings fixed
Developed and Designed by CJ Wallis, FortyFPS Productions.
Produced by CJ Wallis & Mallory Kennedy