《莫伊拉》是由Onagro Studios制作发行的一款2D黑白像素动作游戏。游戏是受到任天堂GB时代的画面风格的启发制作而成,不但画面是点阵绘制,就连颜色也都是黑白色的!
Rubick is the son of Mello and Elise, two famous old adventurers from Anemos. He longs to become the best mage of all despite being the current student with the worst grades at the Mage School of Ouranos. Since Rubick can't even properly use magic on his own, he relies on copying people's and monster's abilities. This power is called Mimic, a spell taught to him by Zeppeli himself. By means of his unique, yet rough wizardry, Rubick sets off to discover the world of M?ira in an adventure that we all learned to love with our thumbs and a green screen.
Ashley is one of Rubick's best friends. She is the most popular student at the Mage School of Ouranos and she also has the best overall grades there. Her magical broom is almost always alongside her, which she uses to travel around the kingdom faster.
Nico is Rubick's partner in trouble. Despite being 3 years younger than Rubick, Nico is at the same grade as him. Being a prodigy in the way of magic is not for anyone!
Anaxagoras is a corrupted Dynamian who wishes to control the world with his newly acquired power. He was once a Dynamian Sage, a servant of the King of Dynamis. While traveling between different dimensions, he found a powerful weapon that could alter the color properties of anything it touched. He called this weapon Chroma. Amazed by the power that he had discovered, Anaxagoras decides to transform the world of M?ira into his own egotistical view.
上一个: 音乐爆发 英文版
下一个: 骑马与砍杀:异世纪传说
马赛克总是能让人遐想无限,而像素游戏也是给了我们很多猜想。在这个模糊不清的像素世界里,给我们带来的总是高度自由,都是简单而有趣。《我的世界》就是最具代表性的像素游戏之一了,里面很多物品咋一看你都不知道是什么,都是随着游戏经验的积累而猜想出来的。还有很 ...
动作类单机游戏一直受广大玩家的青睐,在动作类单机游戏里,玩家往往能够体验到一个爽快的打斗冒险。酷炫的身姿加上流畅的动作,以及华丽的连招,这些都是动作游戏里或多或少存在的一些元素,这也是玩家这么热衷于动作游戏的原因之一。现今的动作游戏有很多,除了人们认 ...