神秘水晶 Arcane Crystal ARCANE_CRYSTAL
剑刃障壁 Blade Barrier BLADE_BARRIER
深度冻结 Deep Freeze DEEP_FREEZE
神圣复仇 Divine Vengeance DIVINE_VENGEANCE
活力再生 Regeneration REGENERATION
悲痛欲绝 Sorrow SORROW
召唤蜂窝 Summon Hive SUMMON_HIVE
吸血鬼化 Vampirism VAMPIRISM
强效深度冻结 Empowered Deep Freeze EMPOWERED_DEEP_FREEZE
血之召唤 Call of Blood WARCRY_CALL_OF_BLOOD
酋长之令 Word of the Chief WARCRY_WORD_OF_THE_CHIEF
万军之怒 Horde's Anger WARCRY_SHOUT_OF_MANY
ID 中文名 游戏中英文名
1 力量宝剑 Sword of Might
9 冰晶护盾 Shield of Crystal Ice
2 山王战斧 Axe of the Mountain Lords
37 龙麟护盾 Dragon Scale Shield
3 魔棒 Wand of X
51 矮人王护盾 Shield of the Dwarven Kings
4 独角兽角弓 Unicorn Horn Bow
52 魔法卷轴 Magic Scroll of
5 泰坦的三叉戟 Trident of the Titans
58 月光利刃 Moonblade
6 冥界手杖 Staff of the Netherworld
43 炎龙火舌 Dragon Flame Tongue
45 萨-伊苏斯的手杖 Staff of Sar-Issus
11 狮冠 Lion Crown
28 无尽黄金麻袋 Bag of Endless Gold
12 全视王冠 All-Seeing Crown
29 无尽黄金口袋 Sack of Endless Gold
34 启迪头巾 Turban of Enlightenment
30 天使之翼 Wings of the Angel
41 龙爪王冠 Dragon Talon Crown
31 狮鬃披风 Cape of the Lion's Mane
46 萨-伊苏斯的王冠 Crown of Sar-Issus
32 凤羽披风 Phoenix Feather Cape
50 矮人王头盔 Helm of Dwarven Kings
33 死亡阴影斗篷 Cloak of Death's Shadow
55 亡灵巫师头盔 Necromancer's Helm
39 龙翼披风 Dragon Wing Mantle
66 混沌头盔 Helm of Chaos
62 西莱纳斗篷 Cloak of Sylanna
69 桑德罗的斗篷 Sandro's Cloak
13 无名英雄之甲 Armor of the Forgotten Hero
24 快速旅行长靴 Boots of the Swift Journey
14 神力胸甲 Breastplate of Eldritch Might
26 引路长靴 Boots of the Open Road
35 启迪鳞甲 Scale Mail of Enlightenment
27 魔防战靴 Boots of Magical Defence
36 龙麟铠甲 Dragon Scale Armor
38 龙骨护胫 Dragon Bone Greaves
44 萨-伊苏斯的长袍 Robe of Sar-Issus
49 矮人王护胫 Greaves of the Dwarven Kings
48 矮人王铁甲 Cuirass of the Dwarven Kings
54 悬浮战靴 Boots of Levitation
56 勇猛战甲 Armor of Valor
57 风速靴 Windstrider Boots
64 皮纹战袍 Tunic of the Carved Flesh
61 翡翠便鞋 Emerald Slippers
68 佑福便鞋 Sandals of the Blessed
20 防电指环 Ring of Lightning Protection
15 技能坠饰 Pendant of Mastery
21 活力指环 Ring of Vitality
16 雄狮项链 Necklace of the Lion
22 速度指环 Ring of Speed
17 血爪项链 Necklace of the Bloody Claw
23 意志磨灭戒指 Ring of the Broken Will
18 永冻冰柱 Evercold Icicle
42 龙眼指环 Dragon Eye Ring
19 胜利项链 Necklace of Victory
47 萨-伊苏斯的指环 Ring of Sar-Issus
40 龙牙项链 Dragon Teeth Necklace
59 迅捷指环 Ring of Celerity
67 聚合饰物 Pendant of Conflux
60 元素腕带 Elemental Waistband
71 招魂护身符 Amulet of Necromancy
63 诅咒腰带 Cursed Waistband
65 谨慎指环 Ring of Caution
70 无悔指环 Ring of the Unrepentant
7 末日勇士桎梏 Shackles of the Last Man
53 亚莎之泪 Tear of Asha
8 四叶苜蓿 Four Leaf Clover
10 海精灵的六分仪 Sextant of the Sea Elves
25 黄金马蹄铁 Golden Horseshoe
74 食人魔棒 Ogre Club
80 学徒魔杖 Beginner’s Magic Wand
81 符文战斧 Runic War Axe
82 矮人精制战锤 Dwarven Smithy Hammer
75 食人魔盾牌 Ogre Shield
76 黑暗魔法书 Tome of Dark Magic
77 破坏魔法书 Tome of Destruction
78 光明魔法书 Tome of Light Magic
79 召唤魔法书 Tome of Summoning Magic
82 符文战甲 Runic War Harness
84 熊皮围巾 Bearhide Wraps
83 马卡尔头骨 Skull of Markal
86 火焰符文 Rune of Flame
87 占卜纸牌 Tarot Deck
90 平衡利刃 Edge of Balance
94 力量之书 Book Of Power
88 领导王冠 Crown of Leadership
89 均衡面具 Mask of Equity
95 树林箭袋 Treeborn Quiver
91 机械引力戒指 Ring of Machine Affinity
93 驱逐指环 Ring of Banishment
92 丰收之角 Horn of Plenty