海盗时代2沉船之城 完全心得,技巧及游戏FAQ

Cannons. To rapidly equip Cannons, to rapidly roll, and thus far the echoes of the shot yet not of stikhli among the sortings - again to clean, to clog, to direct, not to forget to in time pour gun by water so that it would not overheat... Among crash and flame of fatal battle - nothing excess - to load, to roll, volley! It requires knowledge and force. (T*0.6+.P*0.4)

Navigation. Ability to lead ship into the port through the storm and fog. Skill to use navigation instruments and to govern squadrons. The largest and most terrible ship will fly, as if bird, easily obeying to the solid hand of experienced skipper. It depends on perception and learning ability. (I*0.2+.T*0.8)
A deficiency in the navigation leads to minuses into all skills and characteristics of hero
class 1 it requires 95
class 2 it requires 80
class 3 it requires 65
class 4 it requires 40
class 5 it requires 25
class 6 it requires 1
difference between the current and desired value of navigation will be the value of minus from the class of ship.

Repair. When enemy brings down aboard your ship deg of nuclei, resounding into the chips of board and converting sail into the sieve, when under the impacts of squall treshchit housing, and wind vomits tackle, as threads - repairing becomes very important from the ship skills. Here the main thing - endurance, even without power of observation not to manage. (E*0.8+.I*0.2)

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