海盗时代2沉船之城 完全心得,技巧及游戏FAQ

Energy - is index and the reserve of the endurance of character in hand-to-hand fighting. All attacking actions in hand-to-hand fighting require the expenditure of energys of character.In other words, in the process of struggle character gets tired also for the completion of forces to him is required the respite.
The maximum value of energy depends on the instantaneous value of the reaction of character.
能量,力气、蓝条,反正就是挥动武器消耗并自动会恢复的数值。初始30点然后每点敏捷属性会带来10点上限提升。所以初始人物最多能获得130点的能量。个人等级提升不会提升能量上限,不过有了Growing energy特技支持的话每一个个人等级提升会提升一点energy上限。

Reputation - is the index of that how other characters relate to the character. Reputation is high (positive), neutral and low (negative). It is earned by behavior of character and influences that, as character receive other characters in the game.
The reputation of hero in the course of time tayet, behavior are erased from the memory of people. Poor is forgotten more badly, it is a good more rapid. If we accomplish no matters, then the reputation of hero in the course of time will roll away to "usual seaman".
声望,完成普通任务,海战放过投降的船只,冒险的时候解救被流氓骚扰的MM等行为能提升声望。走私、绑架乘客卖猪崽、遇到MM求救见死不救、夺取投降的船只、上妓院等行为会降低声望。这项属性主要影响副官们的忠诚度,生存法则是正义的副官欢迎声望高的船长,而邪恶的副官则欢迎名声不好的船长,声望等级以usual seaman为间隔,比usual seaman高的话正义的副官们忠诚会慢慢提升而邪恶的副官们忠诚会慢慢下降。反之类推。当副官们的忠诚度到底就会和你分道扬镳,身上的装备也全部带走……(1.08版只要不让那些副官当僚舰的船长就不会消失一当船长就人船一起跑路 1.10就会在进入酒馆的时候和你88)

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